Yoko Shinozaki (-Tamura), born January 29, 1945, is a player of the Japanese women's volleyball team.
She won the 1962 World Women's Volleyball Championship, the 1964 Olympic Volleyball Tournament in Tokyo and the 1967 World Women's Volleyball Championship.
Created in 1895 by an American PE teacher, volleyball is considered a less intense alternative to basketball and considered for the first 50 years as a leisure activity. The French federation is only created in 1947 in Paris.
Volleyball is very popular in the United States but also in Japan, the second nation to adopt volleyball. Popularized by the manga " Les Attaquantes ", volleyball is very popular in the country of the rising sun. In the 60's, one team made history, the "Witches of the Orient", so named because they were feared by all, and they won 258 consecutive matches. The team, made up of factory workers who trained in harsh conditions after work, quickly became the national muse and symbol of the Japanese miracle. They won the World Championships in 1962 and 1967 and the Tokyo Olympics in 1964.